Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And the game is on!

One of our patients has sent in her Summer Postcard Contest picture and is in the run of winning big!

Lake Wanaka, New Zealand (South Island)
April 2009

Here is the letter that came along with the picture:

Dear Dr. Wu,

Enclosed is Elisabeth's contribution to your travel photo collection! (We forgot to bring it to our appointment this week)

This was taken on her trip to New Zealand in April. Those shirts are going to be seen 'round the world!

Also, thank you again for her "special request" DS prize. She's been saving up those tokens, and she's so thrilled to have earned this new horse-themed game. Nothing like a little incentive to keep the kids focused on the orthodontic goals.

We couldn't be happier with the results thus far, and with the outstanding professionalism (and FUN!) that we experience every time we come to your office.

Wu Orthodontics is the BEST!