Looking to improve your smile, but eager to keep your treatment to yourself? Consider Invisalign, the invisible way to straighten teeth. The clear, custom aligners are removable, which makes for easy eating, brushing and flossing, and no disruption of your lifestyle. Over half a million people have chosen Invisalign in their quest for an amazing smile. The process is simple:
STEP 1:We’ll Create a Custom Treatment Plan for You
First we’ll take impressions of your teeth. Based on their current position and their ideal end position, we’ll create a treatment plan that maps out the movement of your teeth throughout your time in Invisalign aligners.
STEP 2:Your Unique Set of Aligners Are Created
Using precision computer mapping and design, a series of clear, removable aligners are custom-molded. We’ll provide you with your aligners and precise instructions on how long each aligner is to be worn.
STEP 3:Wear Your Aligners to Guide Your Teeth into Place
Wear each set of aligners night and day for the prescribed time period, removing them to eat, brush and floss. We’ll set regular check-ups to monitor your progress. Each case is a little different, but on average, treatment lasts about a year. Contact us at Wu Orthodontics to see if Invisalign is right for you!